Databack app to get free Mobile data (Working)

By Earlycoupon

Earn Free Data with Data back 

Databack app gives data back to recharge again from the data back app. Many of think to get free data on their mobile. You need not do anything again and again. This process is a one-time setup you get data earned in the back.

Install data back open its register. It automatically scans available applications and needs to go to the respective app from the data back.

Install Data back app

Then you are done. Follow. below steps for detailed information.

 Update : Get data back on wifi for using Truecaller, WhatsApp app, and unlisted appsdataback app

USe GAD572 To get free refferal credit amount

How to get free Data from databack app:

  1. Download data back app from below link
  2. Signup using your  mobile number, email id , name.
  3. Use Refferal code GAD572 t get free bonus
  4. verify your mobile number(Must)
  5. If your Device doent support it disply something went wrong
  6. Get free 10MB joining bonus

Download data back application

How to Earned Databack:

  1. Menu > Goto Databack wallet
  2. Click Recharge Now (To recharge)
  3. Enter mobile number(it allows to )
  4. Select plan
  5. Complete recharge for free

Refer and Earn free data:

  1. Menu > go to Invite to get Bonus Data
  2. Choose preferred method to invite (Whatsapp, Facebook,  Email, click more for other options )
  3. Unless you use our refferal code or any other code you wont get Refferal code Bonus
  4. You will get 5Mb for inviting friends
  5. You get Remaining when your friend get 30 MB in his data back app.

Note: Data back app won’t add data when you are in wifi for all apps (For Some apps get data back when you use wifi) for whatsapp you get free data when you are wifi

Soon we add Redemption proof


This is a good app that gives back data when you use it with wifi and data i earnned more then 800 mb data , Recharged many times. But it doesnot allow to recharge other than igistered mobile number. So be care full when you signup.

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